Memories of giggling with my sisters in our pj's over our plates of powdered sugar dusted, jam filled crepes rank pretty high on my warm and fuzzy scale. I'm certain we each inhaled at least six of them at a sitting, which I, as a parent now, can imagine elevated the giggles to an irritating decibel given the sugar content. I am so thankful for those sweet moments, and I just love the opportunity to now be able to share them with my kids.
An integral part of this story is this pan... a pan that made a wholelotta crepes in its (clearly) long life. Its magical crepe powers, along with the perfection of my dad's technique of course, yield the perfect batch.
A little tidbit I just learned in Bon Appetit, by the way, is that the ceramic coated frying pan has totally made a comeback. Holla.
Anyway, here is the pile of fluffy goodness before they are rolled into their classic sugar/jam tunnel.
And then, the real deal. Just.Divine.
Here is the recipe, but I have to confess that I have yet to try to make them! I kind of love that I - and now my little ones - associate them affectionately with Poppop Kevin and Grandma Connie's house. Yes, I am a total sucker for nostalgia. But since my sweet parents have graciously bequeathed The Crepe Pan to me, I clearly have no option but to summon courage and attempt them myself one of these days!
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